Zorgverzekeraar Zorg en Zekerheid

Care abroad

Sometimes you already know before you leave abroad that you need certain care. For more information about the following reimbursements abroad, you can contact us on (071) 5 825 437.

  • spa trip
  • kidney dialysis on vacation
  • organ transplant
  • oxygen equipment on vacation

When you need medicines abroad, you can use the application form.

Application form medication abroad

Request permission in advance

If your concern is not listed here, read more here. You must request permission from Zorg en Zekerheid for pre-planned care abroad in the following situations:

  • If you go abroad for treatment because there is a long waiting list in the Netherlands.
  • If you go abroad for treatment because the care is not available in the Netherlands.
  • If you are temporarily abroad and opt for treatment in that country, while the care can be postponed until you return to the Netherlands.
  • If the necessary care is not available for you in the Netherlands close to your own home address

To make a request, use the 'Start secure e-mail' button and send us:

  • a referral from your Dutch doctor or general practitioner to a doctor abroad
  • a treatment plan and a budget. You can request this from your specialist abroad (only in Dutch, English, French or German).

Start secure e-mail

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