Zorgverzekeraar Zorg en Zekerheid

Paying premium and excess

On this page, you will find information on the payment of your premium and the excess/personal contribution. The easiest payment method is through direct debit.

Your premium

The direct debit takes place on the last working day of each month. You pay in advance for the month to come.

If you pay by transferring the payment yourself, we need to receive it before the 20th day of each month.

Your excess and personal contribution

If you pay your excess and/or personal contribution through direct debit, we will take the outstanding amount out of your bank account on the last working day of the month.

  • If you pay through ‘betaalgemak’ we will withdraw the money on that date.

  • If you pay through bank transfer, the money needs to be received by the 20th day of the month.

You will be notified if payment fails

If the direct debit is unsuccessful or your payment by transfer is past due, we will send you a reminder of payment.

If you want to transfer the money yourself, the IBAN you can send it to is NL28 INGB 0000 1285 26.

You don’t have to take action if you receive a reminder while you’ve already paid. You can check this through your bank. Payments are registered on your MijnZZ-page after a few days.


You can view your invoices on your MijnZZ-page. You will find them under the ‘facturen’ tab.

To MijnZZ (Dutch)

Payment settings

You can view and or change your payment settings through your MijnZZ-page. You can change your bank account, payment method and payment frequency directly by yourself.